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March 09, 2011


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Those look wonderful! Did it take a long time?

Jennie Sewell

Thanks Alissa! There are a few steps so takes some time, but once you dip the chocolate you have to go quick. I recommend recruiting a friend for help :)

Ashley Waldrop

I ran across your blog while searching for ideas for my son's upcoming sock monkey party! These are precious! What did you use for ears and what exactly is the white candy?

Jennie Sewell

Hi Ashley, the ears are Raisinetes and the white candy are the chocolate "melts" that you buy for dipping the cakeballs into. Good luck with your party!


These are SERIOUSLY some of THE cutest cake pops EVER! You should send a photo to Bakerella:) Thanks for sharing. Bookmarked!


Oh, these are wonderful. Sock monkeys are my favorite. Is it okay if I post about this on my blog and link and credit back to you? Please let me know.



OMG! These are absolutely the most adorable thing that I have seen!


Super CUTE.....would go perfect with my sock monkey hats

I'm pinning this:-)


whoa, fantastic, I'm going to make some using my truffle recipe - more chocolate!

sarah @ life {sweet} life

These are SO cute! I want to try these for my son's sock monkey birthday party this Saturday. A few questions - did you have to melt the white chocolate pieces or were you able to just stick them on since the dipped chocolate was melted - if that makes sense? And are they regular size white chocolate melts or did you cut them any? Same question about sticking the raisenets - I'm assuming they just stuck since the chocolate was melted too. Thanks so much for your help - I'm so happy to find this! :)

Jennie Sewell

Hi Sarah, I tried to apply the white melts to the ball before it was dry. Also I melted a little white chocolate to use for "glue" on the white parts like the yarn on the hat (if you can't get the mouth/hat on in time you can also do it this way). Same with ears, I tried to get them on the before the ball dried, but if you can't, make more "glue with dark choc melt. Good luck!




This is the cutest thing EVER! I am super excited to try these for my boy's 1st birthday. I have a question tho.. for the cake pops, how did you make those? Cake mix, bake, crumble then add frosting and shape? Thank you again for sharing!!

Jennie Sewell

Hi Martha, that is correct. Use 3/4 can of frosting, not too much so the balls are still firm enough to stay on the stick. Check out Bakerella for more info on the process. Good luck!


These are incredibly delicious, over the top little morsels. The chocolate shell gives way with a little snap to a moist and soft inside, like a brownie that melts in your mouth.

Miss Cuisine

A pretty good recipe. I am impressed with the beautiful results, congratulations. I put forward on my French blog with a link to this article.


These are absolutely adorable, I'm going to try making them for my friends twin niece and nephews first birthday party!

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